
DROP EVERYTHING -- Our Favorite Cardigan Is Back In Stock!

Joah Brown Soleil Cardigan - onesize - SWANKBOUTIQUE.com

If you aren't yet familiar with our favorite USA-made basics line, Joah Brown, you're already missing out! SUPER soft, amazing, and available nearly exclusively in our favorite colors--BLACK, WHITE, and GREY. Okay, maybe they throw the occasional "pop of color" in there (currently, Apricot and Taupe) but we won't hold it against them.

Joah Brown Soleil Cardigan - onesize - SWANKBOUTIQUE.com Joah Brown Soleil Cardigan - onesize - SWANKBOUTIQUE.com

One of our favorite and most versatile Joah Brown "basics" is the Soleil Cardigan. Made from the amazing lightweight Joah Brown modal, this duster-length cardigan features drapey front pockets and rounded hi-lo hem. Flowy and elegant, this light layer always moves beautifully, no matter your destination. We never travel without at least two colors--one in our suitcase and one in our carry-on. (It unwrinkles like a gem!) That is, if we aren't already wearing it! 

Shop all Soleil Cardigan options HERE!

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